University of Southern Bohemia in České Budějovice
The University of Southern Bohemia in České Budějovice (USB) has been the centre of education, research and science in the southern part of the Czech Republic for more than twenty five years. Offered is a wide range of study fields including natural science, economy, health and social work, education, and humanities. Students have different opportunities to study in double and joint degree programmes in cooperation with Universities such as Johannes Kepler University in Austria. Profound scientific research and art projects prepare students for specialization in the demanding 21st century. At present, the university has eight faculties and as a research institution is focused on the natural, human, and social sciences. A key element is close cooperation with both the natural and social institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. With approaching two thousand employees, we are among the most significant employers in the South-Bohemian region and cooperate with important strategic partners in the region. USB puts emphasis on academic international exchange and cooperation among its partners in 50 countries around the world. USB is highly active in the European exchange programme called ERASMUS, sending and hosting hundreds of students and academic staff each year. An information point for international researchers in the EURAXESS network has been set up at the University. At present, there are over eleven thousand students studying at our university in over two hundred study fields of the Bachelor’s and Master’s and Doctoral programmes. Both full-time and part-time forms of study are on offer.
The Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (FHSS USB) is, with more than 2000 students, the second largest faculty of the University of South Bohemia (USB. The study applicants are offered eleven Bachelor and three subsequent Master study disciplines. The graduates from the subsequent Master studies can continue studying in two Doctoral programs, Nursing and Rehabilitation. The Faculty has also the right of habilitation and professorial proceedings in the discipline of Nursing. The Bachelor discipline of Nurse and the Doctoral program of Nursing can be studied in English at FHSS USB. The Faculty is segmented into Institutes. The Institute of Nursing, Midwifery and Urgent Care guarantees and organizes the education in the study programs of Nursing at all levels, i.e. in the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral studies, in the Bachelor study discipline of Midwife within the Midwifery study program, and in the Bachelor study discipline of Medical Rescue Worker within the program of Specialization in Health Service. Academics of the Institute devote a considerable part of their working capacity to deal with different scientific and research grants and pedagogical projects in the discipline of Nursing; furthermore, they are involved in handling tasks resulting from other research activities of the Faculty, in active presentation of the research results at national and international level. The research activities of the Institute are reflected in a number of papers presented by the Institute employees at conferences. The research results are published in monographs and in articles which are usually published in scientific database journals. During the twenty-eight years of its existence, the Faculty has established cooperation with a network of international institutions. Foreign cooperation of FHSS USB in the area of international programs is primarily focused on the Erasmus+ Program at present. Based on the said program which supports particularly the mobility of students and teachers, the FHSS USB students travel to EU countries. Additionally to the Erasmus+ Program, also Institutional Projects support the mobility of students; the FHSS USB students are sent for study and educational stays primarily to countries beyond the scope of the EU, mainly to Zambia, Namibia, Republic of South Africa, Thailand, USA and Canada. The goal of the student mobility consists in arranging theoretical lessons and professional stays at transcultural level.
Staff profiles of UDINE-C members
Prof. PhDr. Valérie Tóthová, Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Science and Research

Prof. PhDr. Valérie Tóthová, Ph.D. in 1999 she founded the Department of Nursing at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and started teaching in the Nursing Bachelor Program. She was actively involved in the development of the curriculum for the qualification preparation of general nurses at universities and of the Master Program with specializations at national level. For the said activities, she received the Special Award of the Czech Minister of Health for the development of Bachelor and Master Educational Programs in compliance with the EU requirements in 2004. She was fully engaged in the development of the Nursing discipline at the Faculty which gradually was accredited for the Doctoral Program, for the Habilitation Proceedings (2006) and for the Professor Appointment Proceedings (2008) and was the sole faculty at national level to have the said accreditations until 2015. To date, the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences is the sole faculty entitled to carry out Professor Appointment Proceedings in its disciplines in the Czech Republic. At the Faculty, she held the post of Head of Department and she was Vice Dean for pedagogical activities for eleven years. From February 2011 to late January 2019 she held the post of Dean of the Faculty. After the second term of office of Dean, she continues working in the direction of the Faculty as Vice Dean for Science and Research. She has published more than 200 scientific articles in national and international peer-reviewed scientific journals and is author and co-author of several monographs or monograph chapters. She closely cooperates with national and international universities. She is member of several academic councils of universities and faculties and of editorial boards of scientific and specialized journals.
Assoc. Professor. PhDr. Marie TREŠLOVÁ, Ph.D.
Assoc. Professor. PhDr. Marie TREŠLOVÁ, Ph.D. started her nursing practice as a surgical nurse in 1977. Also she has the experience in gastroenterology endoscopy. She works over 25 years in nursing education. Except of surgery her area of concern is communication and didactics in nursing which are the subjects she teaches. She is involved in the international cooperation within the Institute of Nursing, Midwifery and Emergency care. She is active in supervision of clinical practice. She is still in direct contact with practice at the cardiosurgery ward. She participates in research projects. She publishes results of research surveys and in monographies. She actively contributes to national and international conferences. She also develops study text materials for students. Actually she is in charge of simulation center within faculty and in preparation scenarios for simulation education in the curriculum framework. She is a member of scientific boards and editorial board.