The Medical University of Lublin, Faculty of Health Sciences
The Medical University of Lublin (MUL) was established in 1944, first as the Faculty of Medicine at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin. Six years later Medical Academia of Lublin was created with two Faculties: the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Pharmacy. Now, MUL offers education on medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physiotherapy, nursing, midwifery, dietetics, public health, cosmetology, paramedics, biomedicine, and others. Also PhD studies are available for all graduates of second cycle studies. Studies are offered for Polish as well as foreign students. MUL has extensive scientific and didactic cooperation with national and foreign institutions. More details available at the website:
Faculty of Health Sciences was established in 1969 – first as the College of Nursing, which was later upgraded to the Faculty of Nursing (which in 2015 changed the name for the current one). At the time of beginning, it was the only institution in the Eastern Bloc and the second in Europe to award the degree of Master of Science in Nursing. Over the past half century, the Faculty had seven Deans with professorial degrees, including two women, Nurse Professors. The Faculty employs 234 people under employment contracts, including 11 Full Professors, 24 Habilitated Doctors, 131 Doctors, 62 Masters and 6 physicians. So far, a total of 9,512 Master's degrees have been awarded by the Faculty of Health Sciences, including 5,316 to full-time graduates and 4,196 to part-time graduates, and a total of 169 PhD and 11 habilitation programmes have been completed (as at 22 November 2018).
Staff profiles of UDINE-C members
Beata Dobrowolska RN, MNSc, MPhil, PhD

Associate professor in health sciences at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Lublin, a specialist in health education and health promotion. Her main scientific interests regard nursing philosophy and ethics, nursing education and health promotion. She defended her PhD thesis on care ethics in 2006 and recently completed habilitation on axiological foundations and empirical exemplification of the development of selected social competences in nurses (2018). She is experienced researcher and teacher, has been working with different groups of medical and non-medical professionals. She published more than 250 papers in national, international journals and as book chapters. She is a member of editorial team in several nursing journals in Poland and abroad, e.g. Nursing in the 21st Century, BMC Nursing. For last 8 years she was a member of the Main Board of the Polish Nurses Association being involved in many activities for nursing society in Poland. She is also a member of the Polish Bioethics Society and the Polish Society for Spiritual Care in Medicine. Beata is actively engaged in work of many international scientific and professional networks, realizes different international projects – currently regarding cultural competences of ICU nurses and spiritual competences of nurses.
Alina Deluga – RN, MNSc, PhD of Medical Sciences
A specialist in logterm care and family nursing; postgraduate studies of Family Studies (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) and Catholic spirituality (Catholic University of Lublin); a researcher and academic teacher at the Department of Family Medicine and Community Nursing of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Medical University of Lublin, Poland since 1992. Her main research interests focus on community health care, health promotion, quality of life of the elderly as well as spirituality and spiritual health. She has participated in many workshops, conferences and internships (the International Training Workshop held by the WHO collaborating Centre in Vienna on health promotion (1996); the International Conference held by the IEEF (European Institute of Family Life Education) in Birmingham (1997); a two-month internship in Ireland within the Leonardo da Vinci programme (2002); the “Healthy Lifestyle for Aging Well” project (HLAW) under the Erasmus+ programme of 2014-2016).

Barbara Ślusarska - RN, MNSc, PhD

Associate professor, a specialist in Family Nursing, Social Medicine and Organisation of Health Protection. Head of the Department of Family Medicine and Community Nursing of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Medical University of Lublin. An experienced academic teacher with main didactic and research interests in fundamental nursing knowledge, health education and family nursing (she has gained nursing experience while working at the dialysis centre and Department of Cardiology and Pulmonology and she has taught basic nursing skills for 15 years in the new system of academic education); A research editor of Fundamentals of Nursing of 2004, 2008 and 2017 as well as Family Nursing of 2019. An author of over 160 review and original papers - her research focuses on nursing and health sciences including issues of caring, health education, quality of life, nursing care in chronic diseases, home care and education for nurses. She is unremittingly interested in the development of empirically based nursing in the clinical practice in Poland.
Danuta Zarzycka, RN, MNSc, PhD
associate professor, a specialist in paediatric nursing, and social medicine (I), and organisation of health care (II). She has been employed as an academic teacher for 28 years. Currently, she is the head of the Chair and Department of Paediatric Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences at the Medical University of Lublin. She has gained her nursing experience in the neurosurgery department, while her first didactic experience was obtained at the Medical Lyceum in Chełm. Her research interests focus on basic issues for nursing, including the theory of nursing, the model of individualized care, diagnosis in nursing and the identity of nursing contained in its symbolism. Over 10 years she taught basic nursing skills. She is co-editor of Fundamentals of Nursing of 2004, 2008 and 2017. Current cognitive activities focus on cultural adaptation and evaluation of psychometric properties of research tools, to use them for research in the area of education of nurses and nursing care for a child.